pinpoint discography EARL KING [his 14th sesion] 1961.12.13. New Orleans, LouisianaEarl King (vocal/guitar) with Dave Bartholomew, Wardell Quezerque (trumpets), Walter "Frog" Joseph (trombone), Morris Bechamin (tenor sax), Carl Bluin (bari…
pinpoint discography EARL KING [his 13rd sesion] 1961.07.25. New Orleans, LouisianaEarl King (vocal/guitar) with Dave Bartholomew, Wardell Quezerque (trumpets), Walter "Frog" Joseph (trombone), Morris Bechamin (tenor sax), Carl Bluin (bari…
pinpoint discography EARL KING [his 12nd sesion] 1961.04.13. New Orleans, LouisianaEarl King (vocal/guitar) with Dave Bartholomew, Wardell Quezerque (trumpets), Walter "Frog" Joseph (trombone), Morris Bechamin (tenor sax), Carl Bluin (bari…
1961年03月01日 アルバート・キングはセントルイスでチェス・レコードのためのレコーディング。ブルースのディスコグラフィーEyeball Productions "The Blues Discography 1943-1970"によれば5曲を録音したとされていますが、すべてお蔵入り。この日の録音が…